17th August 2014
Club Run - Shanon's Sydney
Classic, Sydney Motorsport Park.
Many thanks to
Peter L and Darryn F for the photo's and reports.
The day was wet wet wet.
I was all set the day before, fuel, sticker on the window and an
Tony Mckinnon had attended for the last five years, but over last
Easter Nationals in NZ I told him I had a full house and he couldn't
stay at my place but I was hoping he would surprise me and be there.
He must have known about the weather!
I arrived in heavy rain and was asked about the sticker, it was
gone, washed off by the rain and the wipers, but they still let me
in, it looked like numbers were down.
The map in the Preserve showed our new spot up on the embankment
near the race track, not far from our old position.
I know 20 tickets were sold but my Hawk was the only car parked in
the reserved position.
I did see Graham and the red Cruiser parked on the other side and
Darren and Dale parked where we normally had a spot and Colin in the
62 GT was there also.
Later in the day Colin was gone and I missed getting his car in a
Numbers were down 80% with the rain.
I did enjoy the trip there and back, it's always great fun in the
Well it was rather wet at
the creek.
Studes were; Dale 62 GT, Daz 64 cruiser, Graham w 64 cruiser (not
parked with us) & Peter 60 hawk.
very down on numbers. Less then a 1/4 of the usual turn up at least,
no queue to get in, no crowds at the vendor stalls.
cheers, daz.